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Atlético Baleares


Atlético Baleares





Venue Name:

Estadio Balear

Venue Address:

Carrer de Sant Ignasi, 70

Venue City:

Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears

Venue Capacity:


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Atlético Baleares Squad

How many players are in Atlético Baleares squad?

Atlético Baleares squad has 33 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Jerónimo Manuel Lario Martínez 28Goalkeeper
2 José Julián Rivas Redondo Goalkeeper
3 Pau Socias Monserrat Goalkeeper
4 Ramón Vila Rovira 23Goalkeeper
5 Eduard Campabadal Claros 30Defender
6 Leonel Ferroni 27Defender
7 David Forniés Aquilino 32Defender
8 Juan Ramón Gómez Pimpollo López 28Defender
9 Raúl González Valls 31Defender
10 Josep Jaume Busquets 22Defender
11 David Navarro Expósito 20Defender
12 Felix Ofoli Quaye 23Defender
13 Pedro Alejandro Zalaya Galardón 25Defender
14 Bartomeu Amengual Frau 22Midfielder
15 George Bernard Andrews 18Midfielder
16 Isaac Nana Asare 29Midfielder
17 Miguel Adedayo Azeez Beloso 20Midfielder
18Christofer BohmerMidfielder
19Juanca GárdenasMidfielder
20 Pablo Muñoz Crespo 20Midfielder
21 Antoni Ramón Gomila 21Midfielder
22 Rubén Rochina Naixes 32Midfielder
23 Armando Shashoua Sarmiento 23Midfielder
24 Alberto Villapalos Muñoz 28Midfielder
25 Roberto Alarcón González 29Attacker
26 Marco Alarcón Rago 22Attacker
27 Federico Fernández Brizuela 21Attacker
28 Antoni Llabrés Martinelli 21Attacker
29 Nuha Marong Krubally 30Attacker
30 David Ortega Mut Attacker
31 Víctor Pastrana Carrasco 27Attacker
32 Juan Piera Cugueró 19Attacker
33 David Rodríguez Sánchez 37Attacker

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