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Audace Cerignola


Audace Cerignola




Venue Name:

Campo Comunale Domenico Monterisi

Venue Address:

Via Napoli

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Audace Cerignola Squad

How many players are in Audace Cerignola squad?

Audace Cerignola squad has 32 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Titas Krapikas 241Goalkeeper
2 Giuseppe Fares 2012Goalkeeper
3 Salvatore Trezza 2122Goalkeeper
4 Davide Barosi 2330Goalkeeper
5 Alessandro Pinnelli 1833Goalkeeper
6 Filippo Ria 1644Goalkeeper
7 Luca Russo 243Defender
8 Giacinto Allegrini 344Defender
9 Santiago Guido Visentin 246Defender
10 Giuseppe Coccia 307Defender
11 Alessandro Ligi 3415Defender
12 Alberto Tentardini 2721Defender
13 Lorenzo Gonnelli 3023Defender
14 Luca Martinelli 3555Defender
15 Umberto De Luca 19Defender
16 Fabrizio Leandro Olivera Maciel 22Defender
17 Galo Capomaggio 265Midfielder
18 Raffaele Bianco 368Midfielder
19 Giancarlo Bianchini 2513Midfielder
20 Aldo Bezzon 2018Midfielder
21 Miguel Ángel Sainz Maza López 3020Midfielder
22 Zak Ruggiero 2224Midfielder
23 Mattia Tascone 2329Midfielder
24 Agostino Rizzo 2434Midfielder
25 Davide Pirelli 48Midfielder
26 Matteo Ghisolfi 2177Midfielder
27 Alessandro Carnevale 1980Midfielder
28 Giancarlo Malcore 309Attacker
29 Luca Lombardi 2110Attacker
30 Vito Leonetti 2911Attacker
31 Filippo D'Andrea 2517Attacker
32 Dardan Vuthaj 2899Attacker

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