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Belgrano Cordoba


Belgrano Cordoba





Venue Name:

Estadio Julio César Villagra

Venue Address:

Calle Dr. Arturo Orgaz 510 y La Rioja, Barrio Alberdi

Venue City:

Ciudad de Córdoba, Provincia de Córdoba

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


Belgrano Cordoba Squad

How many players are in Belgrano Cordoba squad?

Belgrano Cordoba squad has 48 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Ignacio Francisco Chicco 271Goalkeeper
2 Nahuel Ezequiel Losada 3025Goalkeeper
3M. Daniele2028Goalkeeper
4L. Argayo2139Goalkeeper
5S. Ferez1950Goalkeeper
6 Gonzalo Maffini 302Defender
7 Juan Ignacio Barinaga 234Defender
8 Alejandro Daniel Rébola 356Defender
9 Nicolás Meriano 2313Defender
10 Alex Matías Ibacache Mora 2422Defender
11 Rafael Marcelo Delgado 3333Defender
12 Gerónimo Heredia Velázquez 1934Defender
13 Francisco Fabián Facello 2035Defender
14 Mariano Emir Troilo 2037Defender
15 Matías Agustín Moreno 2040Defender
16 Lucas Bernabéu 1947Defender
17 Yuri Casermeiro 2249Defender
18M. Oses1952Defender
19A. Garcia2056Defender
20F. Razzeto1959Defender
21 Santiago Andrés Longo 255Midfielder
22 Matías Nicolás Marín Vega 2410Midfielder
23 Bryan Roberto Reyna Casaverde 2511Midfielder
24 Ulises Benjamín Sánchez Scotta 2512Midfielder
25 Matías Tomás Palavecino 2514Midfielder
26 Ariel Matías García 3215Midfielder
27 Esteban Leonardo Rolón 2816Midfielder
28 Ignacio Tapia 1921Midfielder
29 Facundo Tomás Quignon 3023Midfielder
30 Francisco González Metilli 2624Midfielder
31 Facundo Valentín Lencioni 2226Midfielder
32 Elías Iván Ayala Bernal 2144Midfielder
33 Agustín Baldi 2145Midfielder
34L. Bustos1948Midfielder
35R. Hernandes2051Midfielder
36T. Dietz1855Midfielder
37S. Gatti1957Midfielder
38 Matías Exequiel Suárez 357Attacker
39 Lucas Giuliano Passerini 299Attacker
40 Lautaro Leonel Pastrán Tello 2117Attacker
41 Pablo Alejandro Chavarría 3519Attacker
42 Franco Daniel Jara 3529Attacker
43 Jeremías Nicolás Lucco Píccoli 1842Attacker
44 Franco Ezequiel Rami 2143Attacker
45T. Benzi2146Attacker
46J. Velazquez2053Attacker
47G. Zelarayán2054Attacker
48L. Gutierrez1858Attacker

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